The river continues on top form. Rob Manns had a great session this week and found the bream in Stur Pool present and on the feed.
Rob had 65lb of bream on the feeder The river levels are holding nice and steady, with that little bit of rain to add colour – conditions that the bream are finding to their liking…. …
The Durrant stretch was on top form for Sunday’s match – 6th February
The winner was Jamie Bumby with a great weight of 57lb 4oz of skimmer bream Second was Jamie Stone with 14lb 12oz Third was Old Bill Hanson with 11lb 12oz Fourth Neil Sims with 7lb 8oz …
Lovely film of the SHAA stretch in winter, with some clips from back in the day
Thanks to SHAA member Dave Redwood for sending in this great video. Some lovely shots of the Stour when it’s at it’s best in mid-winter. Who’s in the featured young members club match? – please let me know at Cheers Ian …
Nice postcards of the SHAA stretch: Stour bridges
I came across these nice postcards by Peter Ursem which were produced over 20 years ago. The bridges are particularly good. Only £1.50 for all 8! Set of 8 Cards: Dorset Fish & Bridges …
Watch some Old School fishing on the Dorset Stour with Kevin Parr
The big floods of winter can get very tedious – long days when you’re prevented from getting onto the river bank. Forget about the rains and watch some old school angling with Kevin Parr, assisted by Chris Yates. A lovely clip filmed …
Please Note: The short LH Bank at Bere Marsh Farm is currently closed
The club needs to mark-out and open up the swims on this short section of the river. Please don’t attempt to access this water until further notice. …
Lovely chub from the Hammoon Stretch
SHAA stalwart Robin Berry is often to be found on the bank searching for a chub. He had this lovely fish, in beautiful condition, on trotted maggots on the Hammoon stretch earlier this week. …
Stour River Levels & Summer Points Match Results – The Autumn Atlantic fronts begin
We are now into the autumn season of Atlantic fronts bringing in the wet south-westerlies. They’ve already had an impact on the October river levels although this year there is the added factor of the adjusted water levels on the Colber stretch. …
Des Shipp caught a total weight of 65lbs, including 16 bream from 1lb to 6lbs
Des Shipp caught a total weight of 65lbs, including 16 bream from 1lb to 6lbs, in a 4 hour spell on Wednesday 15th September. Des was fishing castor as hook bait over ground bait on a pole at the Big Ham stretch …
Lovely Perch on the Bull Stretch
SHAA member Simon Bendell, one of the Todber Manor fisheries team, had this great 2lb perch on the Bull stretch recently. He was fishing a Fox Rage Micro Fry lure. …