Author: Ian Denton

The river continues on top form. Rob Manns had a great session this week and found the bream in Stur Pool present and on the feed.
The Durrant stretch was on top form for Sunday’s match – 6th February
Lovely film of the SHAA stretch in winter, with some clips from back in the day
Nice postcards of the SHAA stretch: Stour bridges
Watch some Old School fishing on the Dorset Stour with Kevin Parr
Please Note: The short LH Bank at Bere Marsh Farm is currently closed
Lovely chub from the Hammoon Stretch
Stour River Levels & Summer Points Match Results – The Autumn Atlantic fronts begin
Des Shipp caught a total weight of 65lbs, including 16 bream from 1lb to 6lbs
Lovely Perch on the Bull Stretch